Social Distancing Alert System

Social Distancing Alert System Using Artificial Intelligence

Social Evacuation Alert System This system combines existing IP cameras and CCTV cameras with Computer Vision to detect whether people are within a certain distance and comply with social evacuation. 

The AI ​​platform of the Social Evacuation Alert System uses existing IP cameras to identify whether people follow social distancing. The social distance computer vision system finds the gap between two people detected in the camera. The platform generates notifications and sends out external alarms (via speakers) to warn if anyone has violated the law. 


Using computer vision, it is possible to recognize people who have not kept a certain distance in crowded places. The system keeps a video log that can be used to take action against violators. 

Notifications and Alerts Interface

When two or more people are in close contact in the camera, the alarm will alert the person standing in the area and send the AI ​​alarm to the relevant person or guard, who can ask people to keep their distance. 

Plugin Integration for Live Count

Overcrowded places such as shopping malls and supermarkets can integrate plug-ins on their websites or apps to display people statistics so that people can track social distance. It can display analysis about crowd forecasting on the store website and help customers book free pickup spots.

Features of Social Distancing Alert System

Send Voice Alerts Automatically

When someone violates social distance, a voice alert is sent through a speaker installed in a specific location. In addition, set the rate of face detection and alerting. 

Multi-Channel Recognition

Add multiple cameras in a matter of minutes and allow the cameras to access AI's ability to recognize faces. 

No new hardware required

You do not need a new camera to activate the platform. Instead, it can run on existing RTSP cameras and connect to existing smart speakers. 

Where can we use Social Distancing AI App? 


The social distance AI App can be used at the airport to identify whether people maintain social distance. Multiple IP cameras installed at the airport can capture people standing close to each other and save the logs in the system. The app will trigger a voice alert and send a notification to the relevant authorities.


Hospitals can use social distancing applications to monitor whether people comply with social distancing. Using CCTV cameras installed in hospitals, the health department can track whether visitors, patients or health workers are keeping their distance. If someone is found to have violated the distance, an alert will be sent to the relevant authorities for action.


The risk of COVID-19 will not disappear anytime soon. Therefore, locked offices can use this application to ensure social distancing is maintained until the risk of COVID-19 does not disappear. The office can add facial data of its employees, and if it finds that someone can't keep up, it will receive an alert or notification. 

Manufacturing plants

Social evacuation alarm devices can be used in manufacturing plants to prevent workers from being infected. IP or CCTV cameras installed in the factory will capture and identify whether workers are found to be in close contact with each other. Notification alerts will be sent to relevant workers and their competent authorities.

Retail shops

Retail stores can use social distancing AI applications to ensure that visitors maintain a certain distance from each other. A camera connected to the app will track in-store activity and trigger voice alerts to conscious people. In addition, retail stores can integrate plug-ins into their websites or apps to display the real-time number of visitors in the store, so that people can visit the store with fewer people and no risk of infection.

Metro Stations

Subway stations are considered the most crowded places, and social remote AI applications can help reduce the risk of COVID-19 by alerting people and relevant authorities. Cameras installed in subway stations can use AI capabilities to track the activities of people and determine whether everyone is maintaining social distance. 

Public libraries

Public libraries can use their existing CCTV or IP cameras to detect whether visitors keep a certain distance while sitting and reading the library. If no person can be found to maintain this distance, the system will trigger an alarm and remind the person to leave a gap to control the risk of COVID-19.


By using social distancing AI applications, schools can effectively manage social distancing. If a student or teacher is found to have violated the distance between school buildings, an alarm will be issued and a notification will be sent to the relevant authorities.

Religious sites

Religious sites (such as temples and churches) can also use social evacuations platforms by using existing cameras. If anyone is found to be in close contact with another person or a group of people, a voice alarm will be triggered and a notification will be sent to security guards or relevant authorities.