Visual Fashion Search
Retailer's most powerful visual AI platform
Unleash powerful new sources of income, improve product discovery capabilities, gain actionable search insights, and engage customers with a seamless and intuitive shopping experience
Simplify the path from customer photos to the products you buy. People can use their devices to take photos and recommend similar or identical products they see in real life. Search for products and other editorial content in blogs to cover publishing costs. We can prove all of this by visually searching for fashion and other products.
Camera Search
Turn customer inspiration into product discovery
Recommendation Engines
Provide personalized smart suggestions
Deep Tagging
Automatically build and deploy powerful product tags
In-Store Smart Solutions
The power of visual artificial intelligence has now spread across entities
Under the Hood
The service combines fashion marking with product similarity. Given a real image, Visual Fashion Search will first detect clothing and assign fashion tags in a manner similar to Fashion Tagging service. Then it will find the most visually similar works in your fashion collection, just like the "product similarity" service. Before that, you must upload your product picture collection to us.
Camera Search
Turn customer's inspiration into product discovery. By removing barriers to text search, you can immediately connect shoppers to the products they want, thereby providing a more natural and engaging online experience.
Exact Match
Similar Items
Product Discovery
Seamless Navigation
Recommendation Engines
Use Visual AI to create recommendations tailored to each person (rather than a character) and show the most relevant items throughout the buyer’s journey.
Shop the Look
Related Looks
Shop Similar
Social Stylist
Deep Tagging
Get a catalog label that suits your brand. AI-driven product labels can assign accurate and highly detailed labels to each item in your catalog.
Image to Text API
Site Search
Visual Navigation
AI Visual SEO
In-Store Smart Solutions
Provide a barrier-free omnichannel experience and extend online personalization and interaction to any physical store.
In-Store Smart Mirror
In-Store Stylist
Related Solutions
Explore similar AI-powered solutions that complement Visual Search Fashon
Find visually similar images or products
Capture live data from inside your jewellery business to understand customer trends.
Fashion Tagging
Machine learning is our passion. We know the ins and outs of various technologies that can use all or part of automation to help you improve your business. Please feel free to contact us and tell us what we can do for you.
Product Data Curation
The key benefit of Fashion Tagging is that it can speed up the workflow. You can automatically add tags on the input 24/7, and only allow your editing team to verify the results.
If you don't want the data to leave your computer, we can run it on the cloud and your own server. We mainly focus on fashion, and in the following areas, our constantly recognised list of fashion objects and labels continues to increase: clothing, footwear, watches, bags, accessories, jewellery.
Technology Stack
New knowledge about data can improve the user experience on your website, thereby increasing revenue. Work with your curatorial team to handle more products and save money.