See beyond the view

AI Powered Visual  Automation for Business

Automated image tagging, classification & object detection

Find visually similar images or products

Find best fashion combination or make one for yourself

Face detection, recognition for your business

AI based text extraction & actionable insights 

Rapid AI development for your business.

Image classification

Object detection

Automatic tagging

Face & emotions detection

Age/Gender detection

Pose detection

Similar products search

Dominant colours


AI power for your watchman & cameras

Remote examination & skill testing

Employee Monitoring

Use AI to empower your employees to deliver their best from home

AI-supported smart solutions that provide drones for program automation

Ensure great customer shopping experience with targeted assortments

Capture live data from inside your jewellery business to understand customer trends.

Airport Baggage Scanning AI Software is an AI based solution for threat detection at security checkpoints.

Automatic License Plate Recognition software that works in all environments, optimized for your location.

Increase Productivity and Timesheets Efficiency by managing attendance time with touchless face recognition.