Natural Language Processing & Cognitive Services to derive better value from your data

Natural Language Processing applications and cognitive services In the field of Artificial Intelligence

On average, companies own 95% of their customer data in the form of unstructured text; emails, surveys, online comments, Twitter posts, comments in different forums, etc. Natural language processing uses complex algorithms to read text and speech data. Natural language processing applications help to explain, understand and use human language and language patterns. The natural language processing engine highlights grammar and words to find the meaning of large amounts of text and speech. This is achieved by dividing text and speech into multiple parts and interpreting the occurrence of terms and knowledge graphs in order to understand their meaning.

Visive offers robust Natural Language Processing (NLP) Applications, built using superior algorithms

Working with Visive to meet your natural language processing needs will ensure that you get a tailor-made solution that enables you to derive greater value from your data. We provide customers with easy-to-use, complete text and speech analysis solutions. Our natural language processing applications can process unstructured data in no formal or predefined format.

Our mixed natural language processing application uses both language and statistical algorithms. It follows a step-by-step process to identify and understand words, phrases, and the connections between words with a high level of accuracy, in a manner similar to the way individuals give meaning to what they read.

Can be used in conjunction with sentiment analysis technology to improve accuracy and complexity.

A Cognitive Services Product by Visive

The development of the advanced speech recognition network application ConverseSmartly® helped Visive build a strong footprint in the use and application of machine learning, artificial intelligence and natural language processing.

ConverseSmartly® enables organizations and individuals to work smarter, faster and more accurately. The advanced features of the app can be used to analyze conversations or lectures in team meetings, interviews, conferences, seminars, and even lectures, and convert them to text-try it anytime!

Innovative Natural Language Processing Technologies

Global Recognition in the Cognitive Services Arena

Thanks to Visive’s talented team, this innovative solution stands out in the field of speech to text, making Visive a global leader in providing cognitive services-according to "Cognitive Services-Global Market Outlook (2017-2026)"

How Can Visive Help?

  • Our natural language processing applications and enhanced machine learning capabilities can convert text into structured data.

  • We provide unmatched machine learning and deep learning skills, as well as complete back-end, front-end and IoT application development for customized solutions.

  • We provide you with the opportunity to analyze and process unstructured data in real time.

  • Our deep learning and computer vision technology can extract information from videos and images.

  • Automatic speech recognition based on adaptive acoustic models and used in conjunction with language models can provide higher accuracy.

  • Automatic speech recognition based on adaptive acoustic models and used in conjunction with language models can provide higher accuracy.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

Where is natural language processing used?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) helps millions of people do some of the most common tasks, even without even knowing they’re using it. Spell check, predictive text, text-to-voice and vice versa, auto-replies and spam filters all use NLP to code, sift and sort through digital written material and automate these functions.

Which companies use natural language processing?

NLP far exceeds humans in the sheer volume of language and data that it can process. In more specific cases, NLP helps websites and other service providers adapt their site for people with disabilities. Furthermore, security companies can identify potentially sensitive data and alert you if you happen to be providing such information in an unsecured forum.

Livox is an app that helps people with disabilities communicate in more than 25 languages

SignAll converts American sign language into text and allows individuals in the deaf community converse with those who cannot understand sign language.

Google Translate’s machine translation overcomes barriers in communication around the world by automating the translation of technical manuals and catalogs written in a foreign language.

One of the still-emerging uses of NLP is in police work. The technology can help identify, analyse and interpret all kinds of text to determine to mean based on algorithms rather than human understanding and intuition.

How many companies invest in natural language processing?

There are hundreds of companies that provide NLP services directly or as part of another function. Around the world, both established companies and startup use this technology to deliver quality services. Organisations such as Folio3, are leaders in this field with strategic partnerships all over the world. For a more broad overview,