Why Children Must Adapt to a World of Artificial Intelligence?

Published Date: 27/05/2024      

As AI becomes ubiquitous, children must be prepared to thrive in a world where robots and artificial intelligence are an integral part of daily life.

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to transform every aspect of our lives, many wonder how this technological revolution will impact the field of education. According to Professor Gonca Kızılkaya Cumaoğlu, vice dean of Yeditepe University's Faculty of Education and head of the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies, it is imperative that children adapt to this new world of AI.

Turkey has launched several initiatives to create a sustainable AI ecosystem, including the establishment of the TÜBİTAK Artificial Intelligence Institute (BİLGEM-YZE) and the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy.

Cumaoğlu emphasized that education about AI needs to start early, as children will require new literacies, including AI literacy, new media literacy, and digital literacy, to thrive in a world where AI is increasingly prevalent.

Cumaoğlu highlighted that changes in educational systems are usually made and implemented quickly, but AI will require a top-down approach, obliging universities and educational systems to redefine their approaches to prepare students for the radical transformations that AI will bring to social life.

AI will offer various opportunities in learning and learning environments, including personalized teaching, optimized learning processes, feedback, and mentoring. AI can also support teachers in material development and provide guidance on student learning paths.

Age-Specific AI Education:

Cumaoğlu provided a roadmap for AI education at different age ranges:

* Early childhood (3-6 years): Basic digital skills and familiarity with technology through educational games and applications.

* Primary school (7-12 years): Algorithmic thinking, basic programming, and coding skills, as well as digital literacy and new media literacy.

* Middle school (12-15 years): Basic concepts and working principles of AI, online ethics, security, and privacy issues, as well as media and information literacy.

* High school (15-18 years): AI applications, data analysis, machine learning, web development, mobile application development, cybersecurity, and digital media production.

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, it is essential that children are prepared to adapt to this new world. By introducing AI education at an early age and incorporating it into the curriculum, we can ensure that future generations are equipped to thrive in a world where AI is ubiquitous.


1. Why is AI education important for children?

AI education is essential to prepare children for a world where AI is increasingly prevalent and to ensure they have the necessary skills to thrive in a rapidly changing job market.

2. What are the benefits of personalized teaching with AI?

AI can optimize the learning process by developing educational methods and materials tailored to the individual needs, learning speeds, interests, and abilities of students.

3. How can AI support teachers in material development?

AI can help teachers create learning materials designed based on students' interests and strengths, making the teaching process more efficient.

4. What are the key skills required for AI literacy?

Key skills required for AI literacy include algorithmic thinking, basic programming, and coding skills, as well as digital literacy and new media literacy.

5. How can families and educators guide children in the safe and ethical use of technology?

Families and educators should raise awareness about the safe and ethical use of technology, including online ethics, security, and privacy issues, to ensure children are equipped to navigate the digital world responsibly.