Terrain Mapping

AI Powered Drones solving Your Real World Problems

Use of AI Drones in Solving Your Real World Problems

Drones and AI are like games designed by the Universe Project. Drones can play an unprecedented role in helping us solve problems in the real world. With the advent of advanced programmable drones such as the DJI Matrice series, it is not surprising that they are used in various industries. It has become an essential tool for everyone from firefighters to farmers and livestock managers.

AI Drones & Visive

There is no doubt that Visive's machine learning practices have focused on using programmable AI drones where needed or possible. Drones can only display content captured by their cameras and sensors. With the advent of programmable AI drones, they can not only be captured by installed cameras, but also be programmed by observing the surrounding environment to make them act intelligently. This advanced computer vision feature enables them to draw area maps, track moving and static objects and provide real-time feedback.

Terrain Mapping System For Civil Engineers

Topographic maps are needed in many industries, such as agriculture and civil engineering. One of our solutions is to provide a topographic map for a company engaged in civil construction. They need to use CAD systems to reconstruct 3D models. The problem description is to have an appropriate process that can obtain recorded or real-time feeds from 3D cameras and LIDAR, and then convert them to a sufficient data set in a standard format so that any other CAD system can use it to reproduce Construct the world in a 3D model.

High Level Steps of the Solution Were:

A drone fitted with 3D camera and LIDAR detector will make the flight on the area of interest. The AI drone is either pre programmed on a pre-coordinated path or by using manual navigation


Are you Ready to leverage AI Drones Solution ?

We offer our clients the opportunity to create their own machine learning applications. 

Our Featured Work

Breast Cancer HER2 Subtype Identification

Our system can automatically analyze gel electrophoresis images that predict thalassemia and test the expression of mutant genes that involve fine-grained medical image analysis.

Breast Cancer HER2 Subtype Identification

Our system provides an automated pipeline for cell segmentation and spot counting for computer vision-based diagnostic tools based on fluorescence in situ hybridization testing.

Road Traffic Analysis

A vehicle counting system based on vehicle type and classification. The system uses deep learning methods to distinguish between different types of vehicles and the total number.

Thalassemia Identification

Our system can automatically analyze gel electrophoresis images that predict thalassemia and test the expression of mutant genes that involve fine-grained medical image analysis.

Converse Smartly

Converse Smartly allows you to use machine learning, artificial intelligence and natural language processing to make conversations smart, intelligent and efficient.

Automated Authentication for Drive Thrus

Multi-mode automatic identity verification for driving through fine-grained car brand/model classification and personnel identification using deep learning.

Facial Recognition System

High-precision face recognition system based on oriented gradient histogram (HOG) and convolutional neural network (CNN) can provide real-time results.

Customer Churn Prediction

Predictive modeling-based solutions provide companies with data-driven insights to identify potential unsatisfied customers through business process verification.

Completion Time Estimation

Machine learning-based solutions can help our customers accurately and effectively evaluate their digital marketing activities. It also simplifies the automated process of scheduling.

Multi-Tech Support Experimentation Platform

Visive provides continuous multi-faceted support to customers to develop its highly configurable dashboard, analyze the dashboard, and make it easy to integrate with the platform itself.

Terrain Mapping Solution

AI Powered Drones solving Your Real World Problems